One with the Force

Today is a very sad day for Silke and me because we had to say goodbye to our beloved Cocker Spaniel Vader.

Vader was unfortunately in bad health for over a year. He got diagnosed with cancer last April. But after a successful treatment of the tumour he outlived the doctor’s estimates by several month. A few weeks ago we learned that the cancer had started to spread and further treatment was not possible.

Over the last two weeks Vader’s arthritis flared up. The last two days he was even struggling to walk. When Silke and I found him in a lot of pain this night we knew it was time to let go of him. 😥

Here is the last photo of Vader that Silke took yesterday.

Silke and I miss him terribly. But we try to remember the wonderful time that we had with our amazing dog.

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An “early” walk in the Milton Country Park

With temperatures predicted to reach heights of 30 °C today Silke and I decided to walk our dog Vader early, or at least as early as we can manage on a Sunday. 🙂

We drove to the Milton Country Park where lots of trees provide shade and fuzzy swimmers like Vader have easy access to the lakes. To Vader’s delight Grounds Cafe‘s stand was open and selling doggy ice cream.
Doggy Ice Cream

As you can see in the video above he really likes his ice cream. 😀

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Vader’s twelfth Birthday

Another year has passed and we celebrated another birthday of our beloved dog Vader. Over the past year he has slowed down a lot, in particular after he had to be neutered for medical reasons. But overall he is still enjoying life especially when he gets an unexpected treat for his birthday.

Another one of Vader’s favourites are his sessions at Wren Canine Hydrotherapy. He enjoys the gentle exercise while swimming in the pool. But the ultimate treat is the time in the dog spa afterwards, particularly in Winter when it is cold and wet outside.

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