Top Dog: Maverick

When Silke and I lost Vader three month ago it left a big hole in our lives. We knew that we wanted to have another dog eventually but weren’t sure how long it will take until we would be ready for that.

Inspired by my friends Jeremy and John who both have adopted adult dogs Silke and I decided that we would try to find a rescue dog this time. Looking for a way to do that Silke discovered the amazing charity Spaniel Aid. They are a group of Cocker and Springer Spaniel owners who are trying to help these wonderful dogs to find new homes.

One day while browsing Spaniel Aid’s website I found a five year old Cocker Spaniel looking for a new home. As I immediately liked him based on his story and pictures I sent the link to Silke. She had also read his story and felt the same way and submitted an adoption application a few days later. After a lengthy process (good thorough job by Spaniel Aid!) we could finally pick up from his foster parents.

So please meet Maverick:

MaverickHe moved in four weeks ago and all three of us are very happy. Here is a small clip from one of our first walks.

As you can see Maverick is a really excited dog who likes to run around a lot. 😀

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